Many tower owners with obstruction lighting systems may be unaware, or uninformed, of the facts regarding the FAA’s requirement for biennial lens inspection. Let LumenServe℠ shed some light on the mystery to ensure you are in full compliance.
The Requirement
Let’s start with the requirement. Below is an excerpt from the FAA’s Advisory Circular for Obstruction Lighting and Marking - AC No. 70/7460-1L Change: 1 Date: 10/8/2016 Paragraph 4.5:
Due to the effects of harsh environments, light fixture lenses should be visually inspected every 24 months, or when the light fixture fails, for ultraviolet (UV) damage, cracks, crazing, dirt buildup, etc., to ensure the certified light output has not deteriorated. (See Chapter 2 paragraph 2.4 for reporting requirements in case of failure.) Lenses that have cracks, UV damage, crazing, or excessive dirt buildup should be cleaned or replaced.
By the way, the LumenServe℠ Federal Lighting Regulations Portal
provides an easy to navigate and comprehensive link to key regulatory websites as well as the best graphical illustrations to help simplify things.
The Intent
The intent of the lens inspection requirement is clearly (pun intended) stated to “ensure the certified light output has not deteriorated.” The purpose is to make sure the system is emitting light pursuant to specifications of the manufacturer’s equipment which has been approved by the FAA, and that there is nothing wrong with the lens performance which is causing a degradation of light emission.
What to Look For
The system should be visually inspected which means a tower climb or a high-resolution drone video to each of the lighting fixtures – all beacons and sidelights. The inspection should look for “ultraviolet (UV) damage, cracks, crazing, dirt buildup, etc.” The “etc.” in this instance could include unwanted deposits on the outside of the lens (think bird poop as an example), or unwanted deposits on the inside of the lens. LumenServe℠ has seen instances where material inside a legacy lighting system, such as certain types of tape, are vaporized and then deposited on the inside of the lens. This is a result of a poor installation and must be addressed. Certain older models of lighting lenses are made of older plastics that are effected by UV rays resulting in crazing. Old glass lenses can chip. The bottom line is the inspection relies on the reasonable judgement of the inspector to determine if the lens performance is degraded in some manner and decreasing the system’s certified output. No light meter or measurement is required, just a thorough inspection and reasonable determination of the status of each lens.
How Often to Inspect
The requirement states that “light fixture lenses should be visually inspected every 24 months, or when the light fixture fails.”
Failure of the fixture indicates that the fixture must be repaired and thus makes for a good opportunity to inspect the lens, otherwise the lens should be inspected every two years.
How to Document and Record Keeping
The process LumenServe℠ utilizes to document the biennial lens inspection is to photograph four photos of each lens with each photo covering at least 90 degrees arc around the periphery of the lens to ensure that the full 360 degrees of the lens has been documented. The photos are embedded in a close out package which provides all the pertinent information including: site name, ASR, location, FAA Style, inspection notes, inspection technician information, date, etc. This documentation is held for a minimum of two years, but usually longer.
If you need any help with biennial lens inspections, or any other aspect of tower lighting, LumenServe℠ can help you analyze the costs and benefits of all your options. Also, don’t forget, as the nation’s first Tower Lighting as a Service℠ company, LumenServe℠ can provide qualified customers with a lighting solution that requires no upfront costs. Let us look at your situation and see if we can give you peace of mind regarding your tower lighting.
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